Saturday, January 22, 2011


Socal economy is depressing. Everywhere around the world really. I still believe that it’s the age of self-employment, a prime time for entrepreneurship, but do you really have to acquire a MBA degree to successfully materialize your ideas? Of course, it would be most recommended but when the proposition is unique and creative enough perhaps it can float atop a blue ocean rather than drown in an industry bloodbath. With that said, most of us still travel the road more taken. After all, the poor economic health isn’t exactly boosting confidence for investors. Talent recruiters and HR managers alike seem to agree on a couple of key points when it comes to compiling a strong roster for the season. On this note though, I must digress and hold up a middle finger for cover letters (an interview isn’t sufficient? have too many to conduct in such fashion? ever heard of skype or video call?! whatever… they can be as old-fashioned as they want i guess) In short, they’re looking for moldable problem-solvers who won’t complain about the low starting salary. There are times when we overrate our own strengths, but we undermine the gravity of our weaknesses more often than not. I suppose we can apply the SWOT analysis on ourselves, honestly, to reveal our true potentials. Of course, all this only goes so far. In the end, aren’t we all slaving away in order to gather the necessary funds to build our own empires? Or at least I would like to believe so.

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Unknown said...

I think you meant blue ocean, and not sea.

But I have to agree with what you're saying. Or maybe it's just because I don't have any ambition. I see some of the tech startups and I think what they're doing is absolutely brilliant. Just wish I had the motivation and the ambition for it.

Unknown said...

Did I? Well you know what I meant, but I'm glad someone agrees, and I was talking about more general start-ups, apparel store, restaurants, etc.